" yeah we only need 2 x staff Chris "
" oh were going to use some volunteers "
These are some of the responses we get from new clients/partners when we are in the proposing phase of commissioning staff.
Guessing the numbers
New clients/ partners sometimes come with a pre conceived ideas on how many staff they need for their event.
Wave Staffing calculate on a number of vectors including:
Amount of guests
Time frames for elements to happen ( cloakroom, dinner service etc)
Working with 3rd parties
Overall management of the event
Visitor / Guest experience
Going with a cheap option
Volunteers are good until their desire has been satisfied. Trust us.
Example: At festivals volunteers are great until they have seen the band they wanted to see and after that their performance decreases by 50% or more.
Don't ghost communicate!
You've had an initial conversation about staffing an event and after the proposal has been received the client then they ghost us!
scared of coming back to say we are too expensive
too busy
they don't understand how costs have been calculated (as per above points)
Client asks for a quote
Client makes a decision purely on commercials of the event
Doesn't appreciate the rationale of the proposal
Goes down a different route
Delivers a bad customer experience for their guests/visitors
Doesn't enjoy the event because they now have to manage staff
Don't understand that they have delivered a bad event
Won't come back to us to admit their mistake!
Talk to us and understand why you should collaborate with Wave Staffing for your next event.
#collaboration #staffing #events #staffing #theprocess #business #Oxfordshire #dontghost #commercials